Goodbye e’eybody, ima miss you.
“it’s only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything”
monday june 14 2010.
The food here sucks.
“if he is not the word of God, then God never spoke”
tuesday june 15 2010.
oh, the social truth of an empty library.
“bless the ones who burned my feet that I should trip and fall for you”
wednesday june 16 2010.
I’ve learned so much in just three days.
“here’s looking at you, kid”
Thursday june 17 2010.
What is love?
“how do you go about expressing these emotions without sounding cliche?”
friday june 18 2010.
today we watched donnie darko.
“nothing is broken in my head”
saturday june 19 2010
chill day.
“Chopper was my first lesson in the vast difference between myth and reality.”
sunday june 20 2010
sleeping in…i miss it.
“and oh how great his love coming down”